What is “New Age?”

First off I am not an expert in this so this is not exhaustive but what I purely observe. Is there is anything more prevalent these days than the “New Age?” It is also one of the most generalized terms these days as well. I’ve even been accused of being “New Age” and I am totally opposed to it. Really there is nothing “new” about it but has been around since the fall in the Garden in Eden. Genesis 3:5 starts it off

 For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

We see it in the tower of Babel people were in one accord to build a tower to reach heaven. We see in ancient Egypt and all other pagan nations in the Old Testament time. New age boils down to this: man striving to obtain immorality apart from their Creator. Of course their version of creator varies much differently from our God who is the Creator. Here is food for thought or should I say thought for food: God has no opposites. There is no opposite of God. He is I Am and not the I Am Not. Darkness is measured by absence of light. Cold is measured by absence of heat.

I’ve said it before, a counterfeit can only be in existence of a real or legitimate. The enemy cannot and does not create. There is no creative ability in the father of lies at all. All things were created through Jesus Christ the Word become flesh. The Scripture tell us to focus on what is unseen yet if someone really does then they are labeled “new age” or in error. A lot of new age practices are based on quantum science and mechanics which is Science. Again this is worshiping or seeking the creation for purpose and divinity apart from the Creator. But I must say they, unlike western Christianity, have a better grasp of things spiritual, though twisted by fallen man. Also esoteric knowledge is propagated but is, again, birthed through God and stolen from the enemy at the fall and gave to men by “illegal” trading or “I’ll give you this, if you give me that.” Many believe that is what happened in Genesis 6 with the Nephilim and fallen watchers coming in to women of earth. I am sure many will think I am more fringe by mentioned Nephilim too but that is OK.

I believe in Jesus Christ, the Word become Flesh, begotten by our Father. He lived a perfect life as the Son of God and Son of man. He died for the whole worlds sins and shed His precious one-of-a-kind blood for you and I. He was raised on the third day by God and preached to the spirits in prison and was the Perfect Sacrifice. He spoke to His followers for 40 days and then ascended, in a cloud, to the Father. Jesus is God and I worship Him as God and I do confess Him as Lord and Savior and Jesus Christ did come in the flesh!!!! I am a believer/Christian/follower of Jesus Christ.

I thought I’d just put that in there in case someone wasn’t sure what I believed.

I cannot judge people’s hearts or intentions when they accuse me of being new age. They have their conviction and gladly it is at least for Christ and not against Him. But I would imagine many western Christians, if, with their current mindset, live in Biblical times (NT and OT), they would label all prophets and probably Apostles as new agers. Peter had trances, Saul saw Jesus as a blinding light, Paul was caught up into the third heaven and couldn’t even speak of what he saw, the disciples saw Jesus transfigured and, don’t forget, they saw Moses and Elijah there too (if that happened today people would say they were doing a seance or consulting a medium. Of course they didn’t conjure it up either). Maybe the disciples were in error by seeing people who weren’t alive on earth anymore? Look at the Apostle John who received Revelation and saw beings, angels, beasts, pits, horns, trumpets, bowls, the glory of God, heaven, bottomless pit, dragons, etc. How about Isaiah or Ezekiel and their experiences in the supernatural realms? Or how about Abraham and talking with angels and giving them food to eat or talking with Melchizedek who had neither father or nor mother and no genealogy. Isaiah walked around naked for heaven’s sake lol. Seeking spiritual experiences, or anything for that matter, apart from God and the finished work of the Cross is wrong. New agers rob what is rightfully for the sons of God. Take a look at John 10:1

Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber.

Christ is the gate to go through for all things spiritual and when that is not the case then a spirit of error occurs.

The reasons I was accused of being new age is using the term “Paradigm” and talking about Sozo Ministry. Paradigm is nothing but a term scientist use and Sozo ministry is about inner healing and seeing and experiencing Christ and His Presence in your wounded past or simply walking with God is experiencing Him not as words printed on paper but Him written on your heart. He was there wasn’t He? Yes He was and seeing Him there and asking Him to come heal is a good thing right? Didn’t He come to heal the brokenhearted? I shouldn’t go defending myself or Him because He is my defense and the Truth speaks for Himself.

This link about new age is here for you to read if you want. It’s Wikipedia so you have to chew the meat and spit out the bones. Here is explains that the term “new age” refers to the “age of the aquarius.” The “new age” consists of several different branches which include, but not limited to Freemasons(Illuminati), Yoga/Yogi, Wicca, Transcendental Meditation, Buddhism, Hinduism, Church of satan(satanism), Gnosticism, Mormonism(LDS), Jehovah Witnesses, witchcraft, Tarot Cards, Horoscopes, etc etc.

Here is a few things the New Age has stolen or perverted along with Scriptures references of the Biblical origins.

Meditation – Psalm 49:3

Power of words – Proverbs 18:21

Man is divine(new age) man partakes of the Divine Nature(Biblical) – 2 Peter 1:4

Astral Projection or spirit travel(new age) Translating(Biblical) – Acts 8:39, Genesis 5:24, 2 Kings 2:11, Colossians 2:5(if you take literal which I do take as literal being as he said he saw how they were but this is my opinion)

Trances – Acts 10:10

Visions – 2 Corinthians 12:4, Acts 9:12

Clairvoyance(new age) Prophecy(Biblical) – 1 Corinthians 12:10, Acts 21:11

Automatic writing(new age) Moved by the Holy Spirit(Biblical) – 2 Peter 1:21

Quieting the mind in Yoga(new age) Being still in rest and focusing on the Lord(Biblical – stretching is not evil) – Psalm 46:10, Isaiah 26:3

Man is God(new age) Man is like God(Biblical) – Genesis 1:27, Psalm 82:6, John 10:34, 1 Corinthians 6:17

Enlightenment(new age) Being enlightened(Biblical) – Ephesians 1:18

Here I have listed several instance where the new age has perverted and stole and came in another way and not by the Gate of Jesus Christ. Far too long the Western Church has been behind and powerless and the enemy is coming in and offering what the Church should have been offering all along. The new age using science for a lot of things and science is only the discovery of God and how He does things.

1 Corinthians 4:20 says

The Kingdom of God is not just talking; it is living by God’s power

The new age seeks the dead among the living but Christian seeks the God of living! Isaiah 8:19 declares

And when the people [instead of putting their trust in God] shall say to you, Consult for direction mediums and wizards who chirp and mutter, should not a people seek and consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?

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  1. Good stuff, Jordan. What you said here is so true… “I must say they, unlike western Christianity, have a better grasp of things spiritual, though twisted by fallen man.” Amen. You quoted 1 Cor.4:20, which says it all. Paul also said to put our faith in the demonstration and power of God, not words (1 Cor.2:4-5). But we trust in the opposite. We prefer education and our humanistic rationalism and dismiss anything supernatural as “new age.” It’s pretty sad, really.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. New Age is basically Gnosticism, which posits man is saved from the world through knowledge. (Christians are saved IN the world through Faith!) And I’m no physicist, but even I can tell that their attempts to borrow Quantum or String theory are fanciful and ignorant.

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  3. Reblogged this on Richard's Watch and commented:
    This overview by Jordan Gresczyk has my full endorsement and his brief comparison of New Age and Biblical terminology is very helpful. Also, he refers to concepts I occasionally mention, but about which some readers may have reservations. My previous deep involvement in that realm and subsequent rescue by the Lord into the Kingdom, as told herein, enables me to notice the difference between true Christian faith and deception.

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