Generational Deliverance

I want to talk about generational deliverance which includes but is not limited to generational curses. I know there is a large group within the Church, including some Charismatic and Pentecostals, that don’t believe in generational deliverance. I will address two main points they use to argue against it.

1. Jesus died to reverse the curse so there is no longer any curses to break not deliverance needed.

Correct, Jesus died to reverse the curse and ransom us. The curse is reversed but there some traveling to do until it goes back all the way. Jesus did away with the works of the enemy and flesh, if we believe in it and agree with it. So Jesus did it all. But there is an activation or appropriation that needs to happen. As in salvation, a person doesn’t just get saved but they need to believe and come into agreement with what God has done. Death is still around along with painful child-birth and thorns and thistles while working the ground and sweating (see Gen. 3:16-19).

2. Deuteronomy 24:16 say, “The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers; only for his own sin shall anyone be put to death.” Also Ezekiel 18:20 says, “The soul that sins, it [is the one that] shall die. The son shall not bear and be punished for the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear and be punished for the iniquity of the son; the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him only, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon the wicked only.

Here people say that a person will only pay for their own sin. True. Now in New Testament Jesus paid for all our sins…but the consequences are still there. If someone sins sexually and God forgives them they may still suffer the consequences. So even though God forgives me currently there may still be consequences for the actions that my ancestors did that were not repented of and therefore myself and my kids may inherit the consequences unless I break them. Ever heard of the phrase, “It runs in the family?” If or when you came to Christ did you find that when you got saved you were delivered from many things easily yet others seem to hold on for dear life? You just can’t seem to get free from it?

So now I’ll explain, in my opinion, what Generational Deliverance is and what it is not. I am not an authority on the subject and this blog will be very limited in information because there is so much out there and so much more to learn. There are several others who have wayyyy more experience than me so I always seek guidance with them if need be.

Luke 11:47-51 says,

Woe to you! For you are rebuilding and repairing the tombs of the prophets, whom your fathers killed. So you bear witness and give your full approval and consent to the deeds of your fathers; for they actually killed them, and you rebuild and repair monuments to them…So that the blood of all the prophets shed from the foundation of the world may be charged against and required of this age and generation.

Generational sin comes from corporateness. Through our DNA we are corporate with all those in our generational line. Generational curses is a common word used but does not explain everything about generational deliverance. A curse, generally speaking, is a thing spoken. One of the Hebrew words for curse is qĕlalah which means curse, vilification, execration, imprecation. Vilification means a defamatory utterance. Execration means the act of cursing or denouncing or the curse to uttered. Imprecation means a formulated set of words by which a curse is invoked (see “Come Up Higher” by Paul Cox Chapter 11). Greek for curse is kataraomai which means to curse, doom, imprecate evil upon. Another Greek word is anathematizō which means to devote to destruction and to declare one’s self liable to the severest divine penalties (see Acts 23:12). Another in Greek is epikataratos which means accursed, execrable, exposed to divine vengeance and to call down curses upon. So curses and cursing play a big role in generational deliverance but it is not all there is. 

Ever hear someone say, “It runs in the family?” Well that’s because it does! The biggest red flag you’ll see is recurring issues in the family line which includes, but not is not limited to: health issues, addictions, poverty (not just material), predisposed to the same sin habits of parents or grandparents(“You’re just like your father” or “Your just like your mother”), trouble with the law, always being wronged no matter your innocence, and/or seeing darkness in the spirit without your permission.

There are many more I could list. Point is, if there is a pattern then there is a curse or iniquity  on your generational line…and it doesn’t just come through the blood but also relational authority. For example, I know a man who went for ministry and was asked what nationality were his ancestors. He said he was 100% Polish there both parents were Polish. Both ministers looked at him and then each other and both heard “Swedish.” Turns out this man was raised with a Swedish step-father and needed things broken from that side as well.

Iniquity has many attachments that need to be broken off. Iniquity in Hebrew is `avon which means perversity, depravity, iniquity, guilt or punishment of iniquity. It also means a guilt contracted by sinning and anything unjustly acquired. Iniquity in Greek is anomia which means the condition of without law and contempt and violation of law, iniquity, wickedness. Another word in Greek for iniquity is adikia which means a deed violating law and justice, act of unrighteousness and injustice, of a judge as well as unrighteousness of heart and life. Acts 8:22-23 says

Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.”

I’ve read as well that iniquity is unfairness or unequal. So iniquity is deep-rooted sin. James 1:15 says

And this desire becomes pregnant and gives birth to sin, but sin, when it has matured, gives birth to death.

Sin is paid for by the blood of Jesus and iniquity is dealt with by the cross, yet we can still reap what we sow. We can reap what others have sown whether good or bad (see Gal. 6:7-10) but we can destroy and cleanse and stop the unrighteous reaping we are receiving.

So what brings ungodly iniquity in our generational lines and how do we cleanse, stop and destroy it?

Here’s a list of what brings demonic attachments to our generational line

Freemasonry/Masons – Daughters of the Nile, Eastern Star, Rosicrucians, Druids, Kabbalism, Knights Templar, Job’s Daughters, Shriners (I was a waiter/server for Shriners once and they paid with a check that had their name listed as “Mystic Order of the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm”). Having this in your generational line can bring sickness, premature death, financial and relational problems. Within Mason’s, oaths and vows are made and Acts 8:22-23 come into play and makes one bound by iniquity. As the degrees go up so does the iniquity. They make vows and oaths to pagan deity and fallen angels and even curse themselves verbally. I could go on and on but I would definitely research more if you feel this is in your past. I have more information if you desire and specific prayer points.

Cults – Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Sacred Name Movement, Black Hebrew/Black Israelites, some Christian denominations can be labeled cultish if they use manipulation/witchcraft to deceive their people and hold them in bondage, Tony Alamo Ministries, Church of Bible Understanding, The Way International, Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, Raelian Church, ScientologyHeaven’s Gate, Christian Science, Unification Church, The Nation of Islam, United Pentecostal Church, Westboro Baptist Church, and many more.

Occult activities – oaths, spoken demonic creeds, ungodly covenants, idol worship, Ouija boards, Tarot Card readings, Horoscopes, Palm reading, reading tea leaves, Freemasonry, idol worship, worship of Baal, Mediums, alchemy, automatic writing, astral projection (practiced by Freemasons), Voodoo,  mirror-gazing, bloody Mary chanting, Clairvoyance, Satanism, Sorcery (drug use), Illuminati (Freemasonry), Wicca, Witchcraft, and so on.

Sexual sin – pornography, masturbation, fetishes, lust, sodomy, necrophilia, Fifty Shade of Grey type stuff, molestation, incest, and so on and so on.

Abuse – sexual, physical, and emotional can all leave lasting trauma on people, which in turn brings iniquity and bitter root judgments in which many get defiled, cutting, and other things to abuse one’s self.

Addiction – drugs, alcohol, prescription drugs, overeating, man pleasing, co-dependency, and any other addiction that we get overpowered by.

Covenants/Agreements – this would include many of the above but also agreeing with any lie of the enemy, selling soul to the devil, eating from the true of the knowledge of good and evil, unequally yoked to others and/or organizations (like joining clubs, secret societies, and the like), finding wisdom and authority from anyone other than God Himself. (see Prov. 27:12-14)

Second-hand defilement – ever heard of second-hand smoke? It’s kind of like that. We or our ancestors got too close to ungodly things and let ungodly things happen instead of either leaving or rebuking/preventing it from happening. Rev. 18:4 speaks of coming out from among something as to not share in their sins. Also 2 Peter 2:7 speaks of Lot being distressed and had to leave in order to not be subject to the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is in regards to current or past second-hand defilement that can attach to your generational line. I must also add that this doesn’t mean we will automatically be defiled by our surrounding because, as mature  believers, we are called to change our atmosphere and our surroundings. But it can happen. Immaturity is the key here. Mature believers can handle themselves and have discernment about these things. If the Spirit says “leave” then get out of there but He may say “cleanse it” or “rebuke it.” Be lead and not lead.

Willful, deliberate sin – any sin that is willful, deliberate, and repetitive will transfer over, generally speaking, unless dealt with and repented of. You don’t want to carry your ancestor’s baggage and you surely don’t want your kids to carry your baggage.

So I’ve listed several different things that will bring defilement on your generation line/bloodline. Defile in Hebrew is tame’ which means to be unclean, become unclean, become impure sexually, religiously, ceremonially. It also means to be polluted. Greek for defile is koinoō which means to make common or unholy and another word in Greek is phtheirō which means to corrupt, to destroy.

Generational deliverance involves getting out of denial of your past/present and your ancestors past. The rug will continue to get lumpier and lumpier until you stop sweeping things under it and pull that rug up and deal with the junk there. It’s scary but, with God, you have nothing to fear unless you don’t want to be free and I know what it’s like to walk in new freedom. It can be very new and different. Prisoners find it hard to adjust to freedom and so we will need to adjust to liberty. But liberty is what we must walk in.

There is freedom! There is liberty! There is healing! There is a God who loves you despite the junk! There is a God who will visit that iniquity and destroy it by His righteous wrath (see Ex. 20:5-6)! We must come into agreement with His blood, cross, resurrection, and ascension and appropriate it to us and our generational line so our kids and future generations can live in liberty and fullness and not have to deal with what we have not dealt with. Exodus 34:6-7 says

 “The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”

Due to our standing in Christ and His finished work, forgiveness is here and it is ours. We need to stand in place of our ancestors and repent for their involvement in order to break curses, attachments, and defilement. We renounce what they said. We forgive them for what they did. We break covenant by the blood of Jesus which speaks louder than all over covenants. Repenting on behalf of ancestors is not making you responsible for their sin and iniquity. You won’t be judged for their sin because that is their sin but we have the opportunity to make things right. To cleanse and purge away what others have done. To redeem time. To redeem land. To redeem because our redeemer lives. Jesus opened the way and completed it so we just stand in agreement and speak that forth over our generational bloodline.

So to cleanse our generational line we must first be saved or get saved. Save in Greek is sōzō which means to save, make whole, deliver, and heal. Submit therefore to God and resist the devil. Get baptized in the Holy Spirit. Get out of denial and face the facts of your own sins and iniquity. Repent for them and reckon them dead. Get the log removed from your eye so that you can see the specks along your generational lines which include Father/Step-Father, Mother/Step-Mother, and long-term foster parents. Look for patterns. Looks for defilement. Look for involvement of the things list above. Repent on behalf saying a prayer like this,

“Father I acknowledge the sins of my ancestors and I stand in the gap and repent on behalf of them(list the sins and involvements/covenants etc). I forgive my ancestors for what they did to allow curses and defilement and I ask for You to cleanse and wash away their sin/consequences by your precious blood and I bring to death their iniquity by your cross. I call forth the resurrection power of God over my life now. Cleanse all defilement, Jesus. Cleanse land and time, Jesus. Father, dry up these demonic rivers in Jesus’ name. I take all authority away from the defilement and demonic by the name above all other names, Jesus who is called Christ, the Messiah. Father I ask that You, God of all Gods and the God of the spirits of men to sweep away everything that is not of You. By my repentance and your justice of forgiveness (see 1 John 1:9) I declare this aspect of my generational line cleansed, purified, and dead. I now call forth the resurrection power of God to redeem that which can be redeemed and now the riverbed that has dried, I ask Father you flood it now with Your blessings as a replacement. According to 2 Corinthians 7:1 I am purifying all of myself and by generational line from all things that contaminate so that holiness is perfected in the reverence of the Lord. Father, I now ask that you hide me in the shadow of Your wings. I declare my life is hidden with Christ is God. Now, in Jesus’ name, I send away all familiar spirits that have been following my generational line. I send these demons to the feet of Jesus never to return back to me. Your authority is broken by repentance, the blood, and the cross. Now, Father, release all generational blessing. I receive all blessing stored up for me in my generational line. God I pray that You, God, would rebuke all cosmic beings that are playing a part in this. I do not come against them myself but I ask You, Father, to take care of them. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen and Amen!

This prayer can be used for several different things but there are others things that need different types of prayers. If you have something specific let me know and I can find it for you. Email me at

After praying this, then ask it to be sealed by the Holy Spirit. Call forth the blood of Jesus to cleanse  yourself once again. Call forth angels to protect what was prayed and to protect yourself. Place the blood of Jesus around you and others by just saying, “I place the blood of Jesus around myself and family.”

If you have read to the end than kudos to you. Many will see the word count and pass it up and that’s fine. But to those that have read to the end…there is hope, there is freedom, there is Light, there is He who died for the whole world ready to assist and bring deliverance.

For other reference see Nehemiah 9, Daniel 9, 1 Peter 3:9 (inherit a blessing), Leviticus 26:40-42, Hebrews 7:5-10, Romans 5:12, Numbers 14:18, 33.

For many other prayers for generation deliverance I highly recommend Aslan’s Place.

See Is a Generational Curse Still a Viable Concept and Can we defile others? and Why pray generational prayers?

Also What is all this generational stuff? and

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  1. Great post. I would have added “some” Pentecostals and charismatics, though, because I received great teaching on the subject from both camps. A great honest look at the subject. Thanks for your dedication.Jordan.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! this pray is right on point for me today, it is helping me stay ahead of the enemy. Through the Holy Spirit, I have been led here today & have prayed this prayer, and I will pray it again with my husband when we come together in prayer & I will share this with my Federal Gov’t Working Bible Study. Soo very grateful for this time of study today! Much needed, this is serious business.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Very true, and very informative. Thank you for shedding the light on this subject that so many seem ignorant of. The trilogy I’m working on is based on this theme. Without repentence the sins and iniquities, and their consequences, may be passed down to the third and fourth generations. Jesus is the answer, and deliverance only comes through His wisdom, might, and power at work in our lives. Sometimes the consequences remain until the generation following the one that got saved.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow!! This is so good! I grew up believing both of those myths! This is a great post to outline generational curses and how to break them. One of the most powerful phrases I’ve encountered doing some of this type of stuff in my own family, is “I plant the cross of Jesus in this generation.” amazing freedom!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen, I like that phrase “I plant the cross of Jesus in this generation” as one of my sisters (recently Divorced) sent all family members crosses for Christmas. She is suffering so greatly, and has suffered as quite a few in my family, including me suffered from many things growing up. God wants us FREE, I proclaim it in my family & lay hold of it through prayer for each one of them & beyond into future generations til’ Jesus comes back. Amen! Thank you! I know my life has changed & many a curse has been broken off mine & my husband’s lives as we came together in prayer in 07 & marriage in 08, God has made all things new in our lives & we want soo much to share the good news of the gospel with them, but battling behind their backs for now until they can receive it. 😉 Holy Spirit guiding our encounters so that none will be lost. Amen!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Amen! May you live in the eternal and abundant life here and now and leave an inheritance for you children(physical/spiritual) and your children’s children. The kingdom truly works through inheritance as opposed to entitlements.


        1. Thank you!!!! GOD BLESS YOU! My husband & I just prayed through & discussed this prayer just now as he heads off to work, I am home with sinus infection for like 5th day today, the Lord knew I needed a break & I don’t have to go into the office today again (yeah), it’s 70+ miles up the road which wears me down as it is, sorry to go on about that…but, you get the drift. Please keep us in your prayers, God has done the miraculous with both my husband & I, we, like you seek truth & Jesus in all things and so very thankful for the testimony the Lord has given to us of divine healing & even a child in our older age, I have children in their 20’s & now a 3 year old…Antoine R. Newman, Jr (AJ), born on New Year’s Eve 2011, just turned 3…Look at God, so amazing! (this is my 2nd marriage, tied the knot July 08), but, I was determined to let the Lord choose my mate, and He surely did, in a very amusing way. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him, the Lord called my husband to wait for his wife from 1989, ( he was 23 at this time), and I had had my first child May 1989 as an 18 year old unwed Mother. But, God knows the beginning from the end for all of us, and truly makes ALL THINGS come together for good for those who love him & who are called according to his purpose, marriage is a calling, a divine position, position of authority in another person’s life…do you need to hear this this morning, are you married? lol…sorry to say all this…anyhow, nice to meet you & thanks again for all your hard work & sharing about Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!! To God be all the glory in your works and mine! I’m sooo very excited about what God is doing in my family, He is turning them all around, and I’m kinda sitting on the sidelines for now allowing Him all the glory! I’ll be digging into your posts and blog as my time permits! Again, so wonderful to meet & connect with you!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thanks for encouragement! I speak healing to your sinuses in Jesus’ name! I am married almost 2 years. I’ve read the best gift to offer your spouse is your relationship with Jesus. I firmly believe that!


            1. Congratulations & Amen & sometimes it is the ONLY gift necessary & that is coming from a woman who has had to get her material gifts elsewhere by bringing my desires for some desires of heart to the Father for his perfect timing to give to me through friends as my husband was undergoing a healing process that just recently came complete with a F/T job to boot ;-).  See he was home w/our child for 2+ years w/out a job or a car while I supported us financially.  I am grateful for my experiences in marriage (even my previous marriage).  The struggle is officially over & my husband is surely  A. Newman made in God’s image & I’m soo glad I hung in there, wanted to quit many times but people like you I find in my searching who KNOW the Word of God keep me going! And my husband is a Godly man & I know he is God’s pick for me, no more doubting, we are free & clear & he is truly healed as God gave me a word of knowledge about a year or so ago that when my husband’s healing was complete, the F/T work would be there, and sure to his word, February, also his 49th B-Day he is HEALED by Jesus stripes! I cannot stop giving God the glory!   Newman <

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