My Short Testimony


I wanted post my testimony since this is my 50th post. It’ll be short because I could fill many pages. This will be the cliff notes version.

I was born in Duluth, MN during a snow storm in which the nurses and doctors had to use their snowmobiles to get to the hospital. I was born premature(unsure how many weeks) and was 5lb 5oz. I was born jaundice. Before my third birthday I had pneumonia and was a bubble baby…not an actual bubble but more like a square.

At some point before I was three I was attacked by, what I describe at my age, as animalistic demons. I would be in my crib and be trying to get away from something my parents could not see. I then began sleeping in between my parents but was still harassed and was trying to get away from the demons. My parents were involved with deliverance ministry and were or had taken in an individual who had several spirit horses which empowered her. One one point this women walked up to my mother with a knife in her hand and my mother asked her what she was doing. As she approached my mother, my mother said, “in the name of Jesus” and immediately this woman hit what was like a brick wall and couldn’t move closer. This was the first time this woman saw and felt that God’s power was stronger than her spirit horses and since then got delivered…back to me. Through discernment and prayer this demon was there due to an issue between my parents (sometimes the enemy harasses the weaker/defenseless vessels). Out of repentance I was no longer harassed after that.

I have been spared at least 4 times from certain tragedy. Once I was almost attacked by a huge snapping turtles when I was under 3 years old and my faithful German Shepard kept knocking me on my feet and barking at that turtle. That turtle could have easily snapped off a limb at that age. Another time my whole family could have been involved with a huge pile up on an interstate but my mother was prompted, of all place, to go get donuts before we drove home. We did and the 15 minutes it took for that led to us being behind that pile up 15 minutes late. Another time I fell from a second story construction site on our property on a concrete floor and was knocked unconscious and awoke to that same German Shepard licking my face. I could have died or been severely injured or paralyzed. The fourth time was when I was crossing a street and only looked one way and came an inch away from being hit by a car which was going over 40 mph. The last two instances, during ministry time, I saw angels protect me.

After moving from Duluth to MD my parents moved into a “haunted” house. The usual strange things happened in that house. Things falling off shelves. We have thick shag carpet where you would have to use muscle to close and open doors and they would slam shut a lot. My oldest brother saw an animalistic demon there and rebuke it in Jesus’ name and it vanished in thin air. My parents took authority over it all and demonic activity ceased. We then moved to another house. The tenants of the property after us were told about the activity and wanted to speak with the demonic spirit…two weeks later they left too.

I was went to a Christian school for Kindergarten and was homeschooled by my mother from 1st to 7th grade and skipped 5th grade. I started public school in 8th grade to 12th. By the time I was in between 10th and 11th grade is when I got caught up in drugs and the whole teenage rebellion thing. Life at home wasn’t fun due to parents hating each other and divorcing when I was 18 and had graduated high school.

I then moved with my mother back to my MN and I got caught up with more drug activity. Through all my childhood and adulthood I believe in God and Jesus Christ but just never walked with Him. At one point I was watching CBN (700 Club) and got convicted and destroyed my drugs/paraphernalia. Then got deceived again by someone telling my God doesn’t care if I smoke a little weed.

Then at one point, while at work, a ministry put pamphlets on everyone’s cars. I took it home and read it and was curious for more and went to their website and read more and more articles about God’s judgment and wrath on sinners. I got the fear of God in me…not the proper fear but it worked. I felt nothing but shame and condemnation from these articles. But God used them to wake me up to seek after Him. Long story short this ministry is a cult whose leader is now in prison for 175 years for sex crimes. His name is Tony Alamo if you care to know.

So I was riddled with shame and joy at the same time. I was confused but God was working. I went to a local evangelical church during this time. I would weep and weep during worship and it would abruptly end with greeting one another…which was awkward because I had tears and snot and needed tissues and not a hand shake lol. So I found a different church that had power and believe in God’s spiritual gifts because I need them. I learned a lot in that charismatic church and very thankful for them. About a year later I moved back to MD. I started going to another Charismatic church which was “cutting edge” and really pressed into the things of the Spirit. I learned a lot from them too but they are human and I got wounded and gossiped about and such so I left and went to another beautiful church that I am at now.

What I’ve learned through it all is that God truly is Love and sought me even when I did not seek Him. He found me when I thought I couldn’t be found. He healed when I thought I couldn’t be healed. He taught me when I thought I wasn’t teachable. I always had a sense of righteousness even in my sin and darkness. Someone He put in me before I was born. There are many other things I could write but I won’t at this time. All I can say is he who has forgiven much, loves much. I love God, my wife, family, friend, brothers and sisters in the Lord, and those yet to know how much our Father loves them.

If you read till the end, thanks. I hope it ministered to you and if you don’t know Jesus would you want to know Him? He is the closest brother, friend, Father, or even Mother that you could ever know. He wants to know you and He wants to be known by you. Would you except Him into your life? It’s not a religion or a set of rules like dos and don’ts. It is a personal, other-centered, loving relationship between you and Him. He wants to Father you and heal you and deliver you and set you free from all that holds you bound. Seek Him and you will find Him. Ask Him into your life and to give you eyes and hears to see and hear Him. It’ll be the best decision you have ever made in your life. Trust me. I’m living proof to His goodness and faithfulness.


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    1. Awesome testimony! I really appreciate your honesty. Most people like you to know about that awesome born again experience…and about all the times they served Him faithfully and well…but not all the in between’s…so what church do you attend in Maryland? How is it different from the others you have attended so far?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My current church is a lot more relational and a bit smaller so you can actually speak to anyone is the leadership without there being a long line. They believe in the gifts and the fruits of the Spirit being active. The leadership’s head are not so in the clouds that you can’t speak to them.


  1. Hmmm, well I am from NZ and have never encountered spirits or demons. Perhaps our limited history as a country contributes. A great friend is adamant about having such encounters though. And I have heard disturbing anecdotes about Ouija boards…This talk of spirit horse empowerment is a whole new scale for me though. Disappointing that someone as seemingly* sincere as yourself is all but ushered out of a ‘cutting edge’ church. I’m curious if you agree with this statement. “Few things are as deceptive as memories”

    *A dash of doubt


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