I’m going to be a father!!!

No, my wife and I are not having a baby yet(Update: My Wife and I are not expecting). Lets analyze the saying a bit.

First a quick foundation. Life begins at conception in regards to the soul and body. Our spirit, according to some theories or teachings, are pre-existent, according to Jeremiah 1:5. That belief doesn’t really matter in regards to what I’m going to share but I thought I’d put it there for the sake of getting you to think more about our spirit instead of focused on the soul and body.

Scientists have determined that children in the womb cannot think until the myelination of the nerve sheath occurs. Some say it happens a month before birth or a month or two after birth. Either way Scientists agree that children in the womb can’t think via the organic or brain tissue. But. There was a doctor who would have pregnant women come to his office and use a sonogram to view the baby’s activity. He would speak quieter and calmer in order to bring a calm to the room and the baby until the baby became motionless. He would then tell the mother, “I’m sorry to say but you child is dead.” (This is horrible and should have never been done much less practiced) 100% of the time the babies would begin moving about with vigor letting the mother know, “I’m not dead but alive!” Though I object to this type of practice it does point to something interesting. How can a baby in the womb react to what the doctor said? Why would the baby react that way? If a baby’s brain scientifically doesn’t work why would they react, respond, feel, and hear? Because their spirit is alive and well and the spirit is not subject to the organic in order to be active and work.

In the Western world the popular phrase used once a husband and wife are pregnant is, “We going to have a baby!” or “I’m going to be a father!” As believers we know life begins at conception and abortion is murder because a baby is a human being beginning at conception not birth. So if a baby is a human being at conception and a baby’s spirit is fully active, grown, and responsive then what are we telling our babies in the womb when we say, “I’m going to be…?” Are we not sowing illegitimacy to them unawares? If we truly believe life begins at conception should we not say, “We have a baby!” or “I am a father?”

Without recognition of the baby’s spirit illegitimacy and even rejection has a way of creeping in. This is not to say that parents are rejecting their baby but by ignoring their current spirit’s presence is leads to rejection. Case in point, I’ve share this before but in High School whenever there was a new lunch period I never had anything to sit with. No one called out rejecting names but no one offered me a seat either…just being ignored brought illegitimacy.

There have been many who, while receiving inner healing and deliverance, have been able to recall memories of when they were in the womb. This seems far-fetched but since we are spirit, soul, and body and not the other way around then our spirit will carry what it was labeled as or if it was illegitimized. The biggest way rejection and illegitimacy takes hold in a person’s spirit and life is by others ignorance of their identity or existence. When we ignorantly declare that children in the womb aren’t children till birth then for 9 months they have no identity or true existence except for a future event. We are light. We are made of light. We are made from God’s Light. Light carries data. Think of fiber optics where light is filled with data and then sent somewhere for it to manifest. Our spirits are light and carry that which is put into them. Originally God, as Light, births other lights. Think of a candle where one candle lights another candle in which the Original candle’s flame is never diminished by lighting another candle. So our spirit carry the data in which God placed plans, purposes, revelation, everything that pertains to life and godliness. Then we are in the womb where believers know we are humans yet never speak as we are.

What if we reversed our course and started saying “We have a baby!” What would that do to the babies spirit? What kinds of seeds can we sow into that baby in the womb? Good seeds and bad seeds. Seeds nonetheless.

Most, if not all us, probably heard that saying in the womb. Most of our spirits still haven’t been legitimized. We talk about our spirits but we never speak to our spirits like we do our soul and body. But it’s not too late to gain back the ground that may have been lost. If you or you know someone who is pregnant or is looking to be pregnant then I would suggest Ministering to Babies in the Womb by Arthur Burk. God has given the spirit a 9 month head start on the soul. Why not take advantage and fill the beautiful spirit of a baby with legitimacy, identity, worth, value, the fruits of the Spirit, prophetically speak according to their bent, hope, even cleansing of generational stuff that may have not been dealt with in your own life, and the list could go on and on. Seek the Lord for wisdom and then sow those seeds into the spirit along with the data from the Father so that it may manifest is due time.

Now here is a prayer for those whose spirits weren’t legitimized in the womb. Fill in the blank with your name or another person’s name you’re praying for.

Spirit of _____ I bless you. Come to the forefront. Soul I ask that you step aside for a moment. Soul you are not bad and you are not being rejected. But right now it’s the spirit’s time for refreshing and acknowledgment. So spirit for so long you were never acknowledged nor anticipated. Spirit I want to address the silence and false views you received in the womb. You were never recognized. You were never legitimized. For 9 months or so you heard, “We’re going to have a baby” when you were already present. The soul and body may have been growing and subject to the restrictions to the womb and a growth period but you spirit were fully functional and fully the spirit of _______. You were ignored.

Spirit, receive the word of God for you which says in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you…” Before God formed your soul and body you were present and God knew you and appointed you according to the bent He designed for you. Your earthly parents didn’t. Spirit, if you are able and want to, forgive your earthly parents for their lack of knowing you were there, present, and able to receive good and bad seeds. (Say out loud that you forgive your parents for not sowing into you when they should have or could have. Release them and ask God to cleanse your spirit from all defilement and illegitimacy)

Spirit of ____ I bless you. I acknowledge your presence and I bless you with sonship and legitimacy. I bless you with love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. I bless you and speak to the data placed in you by the Father God and I agree with it. Spirit, turn to the face of God and receive all and everything you need and want from Him. He is your Maker and He loves you with an everlasting love. Spirit, you are worthy of worth and I bless with the worth of the Father. For so long you were at the end of the list if you were even on the list at all. Listen again to God’s Word for you in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 it says, “And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ…” I bless you, spirit, for being at the front of the list. You were meant to lead and one day God the Father will assign that position to you in this life. Keep after God’s face and receive instruction, directions, blessings, and worth.

Spirit of _____ I bless you in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Be blessed as you stand before the face of God and receive more and more from Him as your Father and Creator.

This will be the first of a series of blogs about Wounds in the Womb. I hope this ministers to you. Some of it may seem far-fetched but I assure you it’s true. Go to God with it and see what He says.

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  1. Jordan,

    Awesome hook there, guy! …”I’m going to be a father.” LOL!! I agree with you that our babies’ souls are already present inside the womb. I also believe that the baby responds to the mother’s emotions as well as her environment. Each baby has their own personalities while in the womb. When it is yours and your wife’s time to have a baby, pay attention to the activity this little one has while in utero! Babies will also have that same “schedule” when they are on the other side of the womb!! My oldest son was perpetual motion while in the womb, and he was that way all through his childhood but has slowed down some now. 🙂 My other two children, another son and a daughter were more reserved and are still that way today. I do have to say my youngest, while in the womb, always responded to sudden noises by jumping. LOL!!

    When my first child was born, he didn’t come out crying, he just squeaked. I never heard his cry. Many babies were born that weekend!! After my son was born, about an hour had passed, and I had just finished my dinner, (hadn’t eaten in over 24 hours). I could hear this baby crying very violently. I KNEW it was my son; and I could hear his crying getting closer and closer as he was being rolled into my room. As soon as the nurse placed him in my arms, he looked up at me, sighed and went to sleep. It still makes me tear up these 33 years later!! My other two children had to be C-sections so unfortunately, I didn’t experience that same awesome reunion but none the less, it was beautiful.

    Sorry, didn’t mean to bore you with pregnancy stories but I totally agree with your blog. I look forward to your follow-on blogs.

    ~For Jesus’ Sake

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  2. The “We’re going to have a baby” as if the person present isn’t the whom somehow isn’t really present was a nice eye opener to me. Thanks for that. What effect the underlying attitude may have on the baby is also an interesting one. Thought provoking, to say the least.

    Liked by 1 person

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