The Sound of One Breathing

The sound of One breathing

I heard this is where the term ruwach came from. I like it. It’s awesome. It speaks of Life. It speaks of One present. It speak of movement and action.

John 3:8 says,

The Spirit breathes where He will, and you hear His voice, but you do not know from where He comes and where He goes; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit.

I was engaging with that meaning “the sound of One Breathing” while at church several weeks ago. To tap into the reality that the God of wonderful power and awe reside in this temple. The resurrection power of God lives in me. The one that came with fire and clouds. The one that breathes things into existence. What if I truly walked in the realm of One Breathing? What if my breath synchronized with His Breath? What if I was in tune with His rhythm? To be in one accord? What would that feel like? What would that look like? What could be done? Amazing things I tell you….amazing things!


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  1. Very interesting Jordan, especially as that verse is one of my favourites because it gives holy authority to living and walking in and wherever the Spirit leads and directs – which also means connecting with brothers and sisters in receiving revelatory insights. Therefore, I understand this as a ‘mechanism’ behind what I call ‘God-incidents’ and pieces of His ‘invisible jigsaw’.

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  2. PS: my comment was made at start of my blog-day but it ‘so happened’ that what I was led to online afterwards connected right into what I wanted. But it meant ‘downing tools’ on what I needed to finish from y’day as this new stuff doubled up with another as higher priority. And so John 3:8 is proven true, as always!

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  3. I have always been intrigued by this exact thing. It started with Adam, God breath into the nostrils of Adam and he became a living soul (Genesis). Then when we are filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit, we breath in the Spirit of God which brings power to our lives to represent Him well. I love the picture you used to describe this.

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