I Love The Prophetic – Part 2


I love the Prophetic!

I was at a Sunday evening meeting at a Church in a town just north of mine. There was a speaker by the name of Darby Slaton who shared. I went with an expectancy of God confirming things in my life. What I have found out is when I go and am asking God for confirmation regarding certain things He shows up and confirms other things. Come to think of it, if He isn’t speaking to those things maybe that is a confirmation in and of itself…I probably need a better grasp of what He is saying now…anyways. The Lord did speak through the person and was straight on, along with many others who had words that were straight on too. He spoke Isaiah 61:1-3 over me which says

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
Because the Lord has anointed me
To bring good news to the afflicted;
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to captives
And freedom to prisoners;
To proclaim the favorable year of the Lord
And the day of vengeance of our God;
To comfort all who mourn,
To grant those who mourn in Zion,
Giving them a garland instead of ashes,
The oil of gladness instead of mourning,
The mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting.
So they will be called oaks of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.

At first glance this is a very general word but to me it spoke with volume. This confirmed by desire and calling as an inner healing & deliverance minister along with traveling and speaking and confirms another vision in which I saw myself on a stage preaching and people coming to the front to get saved and healed(after I saw that vision I wept and asked God, “Is this me?” and “Can I do this?” I wept because it is my heart’s desire and want to be walking in my full birthright and destiny). This goes along with what the speaker said about how I lost my voice as a child and have been regaining it. Regaining because it was stolen. The speaker also spoke about my desire for evangelism as a healing evangelist. I know there are probably several images that come with that title but I’m not talking about selling spring water or gems on TV. Healing is 100% gospel. If we are cleansed by His blood then we are healed by His stripes.

I think the image above is prophetic in itself because the Eagle’s head is turned and looking at you. God most definitely takes notice of His children. I love it because I’m not following a prophetic or a word but what God has already placed inside me. I do love the confirmations though. They are like sign posts letting me know I’m going in the right directions. The Eagle is one of the faces of God. I’ve had dreams of eagles and hawks too and they were very interesting.

He also spoke about God giving me ideas on how to make money in order to provide for my wife and I and future children. This is more of a “Hey, maybe start thinking about this and seeking the Lord to see if this is legit.” I’ve been wondering how a person like me with no credentials, except for Elijah House certificates, or super super-natural experiences can get involved in ministry. I don’t really know anyone involved in itinerant ministry in my circles and how to even do that….which is awesome because it will have to be God’s doing. Plus I am deathly afraid of public speaking…which is part of regaining my voice. I literally tremble when I have spoken from a microphone. I had a dream where they was a line of people going up to a microphone and I was the next person up and then woke up from the dream. Also, during a Sozo, I was in this open field where most of my walls have been destroyed and there was one section with a small section still up. I asked God to remove it and a microphone was on the other side. Some of this is on my previous post but I’m sharing again 🙂 I also had a word from a women at my church about God giving me understanding but soon He will loose my tongue and start speaking (which I will share at my local Celebrate Recovery meeting the second Monday of Feb.) Firstfruits maybe?

Currently I do I.T. Help desk work, which isn’t my passion, and I know in order to provide for my wife and I and future family it takes money. Lets be honest here. It takes money and I don’t want to live ‘In Gov We Trust’ but ‘In God We Trust.’

So these are just my thoughts and processes I go through when balancing my heart’s desire and reality. Receiving confirmations like I did are like a defibrillator for hope by keeping it alive. In the meantime I must focus on my Father and choose Presence over promise at all times.  I place where my soul rests in Him. A place where fruit is my foundation as opposed to gifting or service.

I’ve been walking with God for going on 11 years and I’ve gotten words before I was a Christian that haven’t come to pass yet. I need to do what Graham Cooke says and

Bring my future into today. See the character I need in the future that will sustain the gifting and bring that character into today.

Receiving confirmation via prophecy is a beautiful experience where God openly honors you among His children and world. Prophetic words are promises where we must co-labor with God for their fulfillment ,generally speaking.

The speaker looked at my shirt and it said New York City on it and mentioned about how God is moving in NYC and there was a meeting of business men where the Holy Spirit fell on the meeting. I personally love going to NYC and can’t wait to visit again.

I love looking back on the words I have received directly from my Father and through my brothers and sisters. It tells me that we are in this together. There are many of my readers who I would to meet but may never until Jesus returns or in heavenly glory. I look forward to that day. A time where, along with our older Brother Jesus, we as sons and daughters are fully known and loved by God and ourselves.


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  1. I absolutely love how natural God’s messages are to us. They are so profound too. I just got a message from Him yesterday and I will be sharing it later this week. Would it be already with you if I reblogged this post on my blog today? I think my readers would really enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Wholehearted Growth and commented:
    I just love this blog post and I thought I’d share it with all of you.
    God speaks to us subtly and not everyone take notice. Those that do find that He is guiding us every step of the way!!
    Such a profound message. Thank you, Jordan at As He Is…So Are We.

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  3. I too have come to see that God is always speaking… the question is are we listening. Sometimes we are so “set” in our own agendas that we miss out but God is so committed to our hearing He is not bound by our humanness. I celebrate the joy of His confirmation and expectantly watch the fruition.

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  4. Beautiful post!!! A blessing as well! I am excited for you and I know we can do all things by Jesus who strengthens us. We know that with God all things are possible, and watching it all unravel is just awesome! I have 1,000% confidence in your voice. God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called 🙂 Amen, my brother! God bless you, keep you always!

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  5. That same section of Isaiah I have adopted for my life verses. Jesus said it was fulfilled in Him. I am a captive who has been set free, and my passion is to see that other men know the door is open, and by faith step through the threshold and come into life in its fullest. Thanks for sharing your experience in this post.

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  6. Good word! Personal prophecy that’s confirmed in our heart gives us permission to proceed in partnership with God in a particular way. You’ve been given a direction to head into. You know it deep within. And this is how He see you now, even though you may not see yourself that way yet. Learn to enjoy the process with God. He sure does! He moves us from where we are to who we already are. I would say, ask for wisdom in what steps to take. Find leaders who are already moving in what God wants you to do and serve them. You will know which doors to walk through when they open. It will all come in time.

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  7. Prophetically written and inspired by the Lord for me to read today, 7/19/2019! WOW! A week ago I changed the lock screen photo on my iPad to the picture of an eagle! A lot of what you’ve shared I can attest to!

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