Why A Father?

Have you ever wondered why God chose to reveal Himself as a Father? Have you? I never thought of this until listening to Wm. Paul Young (author of The Shack, Cross Roads) speak about it and after reading and listening to John Eldredge from Ransomed Heart speak and write about it.

Here are several links to why:

Elephant Lessons: Real Men Leading Boys to Manhood



We need fathers! Physical and Spiritual! Paul wrote about it as well..1 Corinthians 4:15. Everyone wants to teach but no one wants to take the time to father. A father is involved and doesn’t just spit out knowledge and leave you to figure it out. He is THERE for  you. A father leads and guides…shows you the Way in which you should go (Prov. 22:6) But if you look at the Church there are many teachers… I need a father. My earthly father did what he could with what he had and his father as well.

The wound of a father cuts the deepest. For me I can recognize, these days, the story that is behind my father. I know him and forgive him but I have been wounded. I craved validation and approval. I didn’t always get it. Especially a little over a year ago.

I was engaged to my now beautiful wife and there was some miscommunication/gossip/triangulation (see my blog He Said She Said) and it caused speculation and the appearance of a wounding. But the case wasn’t so. You know the whole Telephone/Grapevine game. The original message gets distorted usually by the next person. Soooo I said all that to say this…he didn’t want me to get married. He said he wanted to make sure I was sure but it got out hand. He invalidated my choice and because it was one of the most important decisions in my life he was invalidating me. It was rough…and still is some days. I literally have a sinking feeling in my gut for a couple weeks. I needed his validation but didn’t get it.

I also have tried to connect with older men and nothing…absolutely nothing. Empty promises and fakeness. What does a young man who needs a father/mentor do when no one wants to do it? I know many others in the same shoes as I. And it doesn’t matter your age. Fatherlessness is way to prevalent in society hence the statistics above. But God!

God came as Father. THE FATHER! A Father who wants to be with you. A Father you not only loves you but likes you. A Father who is here to validate you as a man. A Father that WILL be a Father to you. He knew the void and He filled/fills/will fill it. You can walk as a son fully loved and validated and accepted and…approved of. Don’t you just want to hear God say over you, right now, “Behold my son in who I am well pleased.” Do you realize God the Father spoke that over Jesus…and he didn’t do one thing yet. He was pleasing because of who He is and not what He did. And guess what…you are in Jesus and Jesus is in you. The Father’s pleasure is on you right now regardless if you just slipped and viewed porn or yelled at your kids or smoked a joint or whatever issue you may be recovering from. His view of you has and will never changed.

One of the things God the Father has shown me, in the middle of sin, is that He loves me so much. One day while driving home I was grieving over my sin and shame and told/asked God, “You must be tired of me.” Immediately my Father spoke into me, “I neither slumber nor sleep!” It was like a boom in me. An explosion of connectedness. He isn’t tired of me. He isn’t fed up with me. He is not ashamed of me (Heb. 2:11). He is love…He doesn’t have love He is the stuff.

God has not abandoned you! I say it again..God your Father has not and will not abandon you. Your sonship and His fathership is attacked and the enemy doesn’t want it…but God has and will break through. Can’t you hear Him right now speaking validation and honor or you? I know you want to be honored and He is honoring you right now. I see new robes He is placing on you right now (Zech. 3:3-5) He is not fed up with you. He is not tired of you. You do not drive Him up a wall. You do not get on His last nerve. You do not press His buttons. Come back to His heart…it’s where you belong and where you find yourself. He has a ring and a new robe and is throwing a party for you! You are the center of His attention and He is fathering you right now. Will you let Him be that Father? Your future depends on it. Let Him come into that invalidation and validate. Let Him enter the disapproval and heal it. Let Him heal your wounded heart with His love and satisfaction in you as a man and son of His love.

Let your initiation in manhood begin…!!!

Please watch this video…it’s amazing! Be blessed men of God! You are God’s son and He loves you with everything He is!

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  1. This post is less of a theological one but a heart issue one. There is soooo much more to be said on this subject. I would encourage any of the readers to read Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and to read The Shack by Wm. Paul Young (despite your preconceived notions regarding his book) read it first before judging. 🙂


  2. Just want to say I loved The Shack and Wild at Heart; I can see your heart in this. When I write in my daily prayer journal, I write to my Heavenly Father. To have a Father who loves me the way He does has made a powerful transformation in my life. Knowing my Father is always with me, offers grace and mercy, and will never leave me allows me to live from love and hope, to trust Him and have faith in His faithfulness.

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  3. Firstly, thank you for the follow. And secondly, I can’t believe how spot on you were in your blog post! And I mean that in a good way, because it was like you looked into my heart and wrote exactly what I myself needed at the very time Father found me. I use the name YHWH or God a lot in my posts, but only because I understand that many people who come to my blog don’t know Father yet, but I much prefer calling Him Father, or even Daddy.
    Thank you so much!

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  4. My experience is similar to yours. My dad moved out when I was 13. Before & after becoming a Christian I hoped to connect with a father-figure but the Lord never allowed this. I remember lamenting tbis to a friend once. He responded by saying he had seen God father me a lot. That really struck me. I began to see God’s fathering in my life more. I still feel the lack of earthly fathering from time to time. But I have also seen that God is a Father to the fatherless, as scripture says! God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen!

      We aren’t meant to figure life out on our own. God wants to father us. The truth is, He has been fathering us for a long time-we just haven’t had the eyes t see it. – John Eldredge


  5. My pastor has been spent the past couple of weeks ministering on the orphan heart so this post is so releveant right now. Last week, he focused a lot on the effects of fatherlessness and how it distorts the way we interact with people and God. When fathers aren’t in place it leaves children vulnerable and unstable. I hope to hear more people in the church start sharing on the purpose and privilege of parenthood, spiritually and naturally. Broken individuals start broken families and the cycle continues. Thanks again.

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  6. Thank you for this… being unmarried without kids in my late 20’s its tough. I had a very rough/fatherless upbringing and have had a lot of father figures come through my life. Its awesome to hear someone else sees life for what it is these days, specifically the lack of real father’s in the Church and society. I have wanted a father figure in my life but I have felt like I am too old now and have missed all of my chances to let mentors into my life but this post just re-sparked my heart to the notion that HE is my Father and I can get all the Fathering I need in this season from Him even if most human dudes are sucking at it 😉

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